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Principles of personal data processing

If you are our customer, newsletter subscriber or website visitor, you are entrusting us with your personal data. We are responsible for their protection and security. Please familiarize yourself with the personal data protection, policies and rights you have in connection with the GDPR (Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data).

Who is the administrator?

FRAM spol.s ro
Třemošnická 358
257 26 Divišov
Benešov district

ID number: 00472875
VAT number: CZ00472875

We process your personal data as an administrator, i.e. we determine how personal data will be processed and for what purpose, for how long and we select any other processors who will help us with the processing.

Contact information

If you want to contact us during processing, you can contact us by e-mail: fram@rubber.cz .

We declare

We declare that, as the administrator of your personal data, we fulfill all legal obligations required by applicable legislation, in particular the Personal Data Protection Act and the GDPR, and therefore that:

  • we will process your personal data only on the basis of a valid legal reason, namely legitimate interest, fulfillment of a contract, legal obligation or consent granted,
  • according to Article 13 of the GDPR, we fulfill the obligation to provide information even before starting the processing of personal data,
  • we will enable and support you in exercising and fulfilling your rights under the Personal Data Protection Act and the GDPR.

Scope of personal data and processing purposes

We process personal data that you entrust to us yourself for the following reasons (to fulfill these purposes):

provision of services, fulfillment of the contract
your personal data in the scope of: name and surname, telephone, e-mail, we absolutely need it to fulfill the contract.

If you are a customer, we absolutely need your personal data (invoicing data) to comply with the legal obligation to issue and register tax documents.

marketing - sending newsletters
We use your personal data (e-mail and name), gender, what you click on in the e-mail and when you most often open it for the purpose of direct marketing - sending business messages. If you are our customer, we do so out of legitimate interest, as we reasonably assume that you are interested in our news, for a period of 5 years.

If you are not our customer, we only send you newsletters based on your consent, for a period of 5 years. In either case, you can withdraw this consent by contacting us.

advanced consent marketing
Only based on your consent, we can also send you inspirational offers from third parties or use your e-mail address, for example, for remarketing and targeting advertising on Facebook, for a period of 5 years. This can of course be revoked at any time via our contact details.

photographic documentation, references, live events, workshops

Only based on your consent, we can use your photos, references, feedback, etc., until you withdraw your consent yourself.

We retain your personal data for the duration of the statute of limitations, unless the law stipulates a longer period for their retention or we have not stated otherwise in specific cases.


When you browse our website, we record your IP address, how long you stay on the page and which page you come from. We perceive the use of cookies to measure website traffic and customize website display as our legitimate interest as an administrator, as we believe that thanks to this we can offer you even better services.

Cookies for advertising targeting will only be processed based on your consent.

Our website can also be browsed in a mode that does not allow the collection of personal data. You can disable the use of cookies on your computer.

Security and protection of personal data

We protect personal data to the maximum extent possible using modern technologies that correspond to the level of technical development. We protect them as if they were our own. We have adopted and maintain all possible (currently known) technical and organizational measures that prevent misuse, damage or destruction of your personal data.

Transfer of personal data to third parties

Our employees and associates have access to your personal data. In order to ensure specific processing operations that we cannot provide on our own, we use the services and applications of processors who can protect data even better than us and specialize in the given processing. They are the following providers:

  • application operator for communication, website and invoicing,
  • operator of the application for e-mail communication and customer support,
  • Facebook, Google,
  • providers of accounting and tax advice,
  • providers of IT services and hosting, including cloud storage,
  • customer support assistance service providers,
  • payment gateway providers (payment card providers),
  • legal service providers, lawyers,
  • providers of printing and postal services,
  • providers of used plugins
  • partners cooperating with us in special events for clients.

It is possible that in the future we will decide to use other applications or processors to facilitate and improve the quality of processing. We promise you, however, that in such a case, when choosing, I will place at least the same demands on security and quality of processing on the processor as on myself.

Send news
Information on the processing of personal data (GDPR).
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FRAM spol.s ro
Třemošnická 358
257 26 Divišov
Benešov district

ID number: 00472875
VAT number: CZ00472875

+420 774 768 975



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