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Pads for jacks

We offer rubber pads for jacks of various designs, for example with a recess, U profile and others. For example, pads replace wooden pads. Depending on the design, they are made of EPDM rubber in different strengths.
Gumová podložka do U profilu 120mm
Catalog number: ZP120
In stock658
14,79 € with VAT (12,22 € without VAT)
Gumová podložka nástavní  1
Catalog number: ZP060
In stock610
11,47 € with VAT (9,48 € without VAT)
Gumová podložka kulatá, 2x M6  1
Catalog number: PZ110252
In stock105
5,93 € with VAT (4,90 € without VAT)
Gumová podložka kulatá s prohlubní, 2x M6
Catalog number: PZP110252
In stock326
5,93 € with VAT (4,90 € without VAT)
Gumová podložka 125mm s 2xotvor 6mm  1
Catalog number: PZ125182
In stock230
5,64 € with VAT (4,66 € without VAT)
Gumová podložka navlékací čtvercová 118mm  1
Catalog number: PZ118118
In stock882
5,39 € with VAT (4,45 € without VAT)
Gumová podložka navlékací  1
Catalog number: PZN115102
In stock196
4,50 € with VAT (3,72 € without VAT)
Gumová podložka 146mm se 3 trny
Catalog number: PZ146263
In stock678
6,38 € with VAT (5,27 € without VAT)
Gumová podložka 140mm s centrálním otvorem a 3 trny  1
Catalog number: PZ140253
In stock730
6,82 € with VAT (5,64 € without VAT)
Gumová podložka s centrální dírou pro šroub  1
Catalog number: PZ140261
In stock795
6,63 € with VAT (5,48 € without VAT)
Kladka zvedáku  2
Catalog number: G10005-2
Out of stock
4,55 € with VAT (3,76 € without VAT)

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