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About us

We manufacture rubber products,
which serve industry and healthcare


Rubber products are our world. We're always figuring out how to make them better for you.

We are FRAM. A company that manufactures rubber products, such as stops, silent blocks or perhaps washers. We bring our experience and ideas to production, inspired by you, our clients.

The story of our history

We can officially date the establishment of the company to 1990 . In that year, the founder, Mr. Frauenterka Sr.
started his own business in the rubber industry. However, the beginnings of the business go back to a deeper history, when he connected with the then
colleague, Mr. Malý. He had a lot of ideas in his head and with them the idea of developing rubber cuffs for massage machines , which
they were scarce and expensive goods at the time, and moreover could only be found abroad. Enthusiastic Mr. Frauenterka, a professional tire designer,
that's why he got together with his two sons and managed to develop quality cuffs at home, which found their customers.

After the revolution finally came the opportunity to start your own company . It was created from the cooperation of Mr. Frauenterka and Mr. Malý
FRAM company
. Business was successful, so more and more products were added to our portfolio. Inspiration came from our customers
with their needs and motivation to bring something to the market that was missing. The company is currently run by the sons of the founder, Mr. Frauenterka Sr.

You can find us in our own office,
which we built ourselves

The company was originally based in Hostivař in the leased premises of the gas plant. In 1993, we moved to Divišov, where we stayed until 2004.
In 1999, we started building our own office in the Divišov region, and after the construction was completed, we moved the entire office here.
And you can find us here even today .

We are proud of our building. We built the building with our own help , with our excellent employees and on weekends.
We spent 5 years of our lives building our headquarters, where we manufacture all rubber products for you.


Honest work and smart ideas paid off
We have products that you simply cannot find anywhere else

Product ideas come from our clients who need specific product shapes for their production or business,
designs and materials and their combinations. But new products are also created by consulting together in the company on how to bring the best to the market
and improve existing products.

The technologies available to us include classic molding, transfer molding and injection molding .
In addition, we offer products for healthcare that are made of electrically conductive silicones.
Thanks to this honest work and offer, our production is unique.

We develop our own products and manufacture to order what clients need.

We press shaped rubber products to size
1200 × 1200 mm.

They will find our products
application in industry and healthcare.

We produce rubber, rubber-metal and rubber-textile products from a wide range of rubbers.

Today, 15 of us work in the company. And we found ourselves in this unusual and specific field. We love to innovate for you
and we are looking for new possibilities and materials. So that you can always rely on our products. Whether you need them for healthcare,
automotive industry, or perhaps the food industry.

You can buy the products on our e-shop and at regional retailers. However, if you have specific requirements, we are happy to discuss with you
we will advise on your ideas.

Let's work together ››

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FRAM spol.s ro
Třemošnická 358
257 26 Divišov
Benešov district

ID number: 00472875
VAT number: CZ00472875

+420 774 768 975



Regional dealers
Become our regional dealer

If you want to become our regional dealer, don't hesitate to contact us!

+420 736 670 935